I must apologize for not posting anything about Emma in such a long time....again, my health has interfered with my sincere intentions to keep this blog going. Also, we have just moved 200 miles from Southern California to it's beautiful Central Coast. We love our new home but I HATE MOVING! We are still unpacking, and it seems as though we will still be unpacking when Emma is 20 years old!
I do have exciting news though: Emma is getting her wheelchair VERY soon! We are so excited, because it will definitely give her more mobility and better access to tables, toys, educational things, not to mention that it's easier to play with other kids if you are (almost) at their eye level instead of crawling on the ground!
When her therapists put her into a trainer chair of a similar size and design to the one they had ordered for her, they tried to get her to show us how she can propel herself a short distance, but being Emma, she acted like she had no idea what they were talking about and had never seen a wheelchair before.
She can be a bit stubborn at times! :)
Emma's actual chair will be pink, of course, since pink is her signature color. We hope that she won't need to use it for long. She has actually taken a few steps on occasion in the past few weeks!!! Wah-hoo!!